Monday, March 9, 2009

10 days Post-op

Friday afternoon I noticed a tiny spot on my thumb that was numb. I took off the outermost ace wrap, thinking maybe it was too tight, even though nothing felt too tight. But by Friday night the numb area had gotten much bigger, so I paged the on call nurse and she told me to come in monday morning (today). 24hrs later, by the time I went to bed Sat night, my thumb was basically back to normal, but I went ahead and went in this morning. The doctor didn't really say what could have been going on, and when I asked he said that something was probably too tight. My speculation was that since I'd had more mobility in my thumb and had been using that hand more, something became inflamed and was pressing against a nerve, or when I moved my thumb the pins were rubbing something the wrong way. So they put me in a bigger, more normal splint, and my thumb is back to being immobilized. While I was there they went ahead and took out the stitches, and told me to come back in about 2 weeks.

"Short-arm thumb spica splint"