Sunday, March 1, 2009

3 Days Post-Op

look ma', no knuckles!

2 days after the surgery I switched to just taking Aleve because I decided I would rather be in a little more pain than be dizzy and tired all the time. I think the day after the surgery was the worst in terms of the pain, and the day after that was pretty bad too. But 3 days post-op I put on real clothes for the first time and I left the house to get lunch (I was starting to go stir crazy not being able to do anything!). 4 days post op was the first day I woke up truly feeling better (though still in pain), and the next day I went back to school/work. However, I think I tried to do too much too quickly. I was exhausted that night, and my shoulder/upper bicep started cramping because it was so tired.

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